The 9 People You Hate Running Into At Disney World

11:24 2 Comments A+ a-

5. Food on the go

There are so many amazing things to eat in Walt Disney World, but food just doesn't need to be brought in line. No one knows if others are sensitive to smells or have food allergies. It's rude and inconsiderate to put others at risk. That food may smell fantastic for a couple seconds, but an hour of smelling it can make someone feel sick. Why would they want to stand in line with it anyways?

6. "2-4-6-8 Who do we not appreciate?"

It's awesome that groups have favorite chants, but maybe a small enclosed area isn't the right place to showcase these particular talents . I'm sure these guests think each chant is fantastic, and at their cheerleading competition or football game it probably is. But at Walt Disney World it's just... rude. It's too loud and makes it hard for anyone to carry on a conversation. Everyone wants the groups to have fun but just save it for outside the line.

7. A second shadow

Everyone knows that Disney crams a lot of people into their queues, but there is no reason for personal space to disappear. There is little that creeps people out more than a stranger standing half a foot behind them. It just gives people an unnerving feeling. Most people don't even like their friends and family doing it to them. Plus humans just don't smell that great. They have spent hours in the Orlando heat. They don’t even want to be this close to themselves. Take a step back, and give people some breathing room. Or sweating room as the case may be in the Florida sun.

8. Who does that child belong too?

Children will act up; especially at Walt Disney World. There is no way around it. Kids get tired, hungry and are surrounded by toys they want. That's enough to make anyone get cranky. That doesn't mean everyone in line needs to hear a little princess or pirate screaming at the top of his or her lungs. Yes, the parents want to ride the ride, but they have to take others into consideration as well. Forcing an upset child into a queue just because of a FastPass+ reservation or something else is a bad idea, and its better to just wait until the child calms down before walking into what will probably be a small, somewhat enclosed space.

9. Skipping the line

Line skipping isn't just annoying, it is a serious offense. No matter whether you see someone blasting past everyone in line without a care in the world, or a large group of people "joining" their one friend who just happened to be at the front of the queue, line jumping is never OK, and Disney has a firm policy in place when it comes to guests who break this rule: ejection. Though you'll have to do something especially egregious to get a lifetime ban from Disney, if you are jumping in line you can count on security showing up, pulling you out of the line and escorting you back to the park entrance. Though these guest behaviors are certainly some of the most annoying, this list certainly isn't exhaustive. Have you ever had any memorable run-ins with unsavory guests?

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The Survivor
13 juin 2016 à 15:15 delete

I had an experience where I was playing sorcerers of the magic kingdom at the portal on main street by the firehouse. A woman comes up and starts watching as i'm hearing the intro and asks if I could please move to her kids could take a picture with it. I told her that it was a game and I would move as soon as I finished. Her husband then proceeded to come up to me asking me to move, when I explained to him what I had told her, he then put his hand on my shoulder and tried pushing me out of the way. Thankfully another sorcerer saw what was happening while waiting her turn, told the man to stop touching me and that he had to wait his turn in line or else security could explain it to him.

27 juin 2016 à 07:20 delete

I guess I'm fortunate; I've only ever encountered #6 and the line skipping is typically people who have had to use the restroom (usually with small children). We're passholders and go several times per month. Most of these are expected when you're in the parks.
