10 Spooky Disneyland Stories That Will Keep You Up At Night

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Legend 5: The man with the cane

A small plane crashed in the 1940s in Anaheim, and the pilot is now believed to be haunting the Haunted Mansion. According to seeksghosts.blogspot, a cast member saw the man with the cane at the loading dock where guests board doom buggies.

Legend 4: The woman in white

A ghost dressed in a 19th century gown has been spotted on Main Street after dark. Legend has it that she guides lost children to the Disneyland Baby Care Center where they can be reunited with their parents.

Legend 3: The spirit in the river

In June of 1973, two brothers stayed on Tom Sawyer’s Island after the park closed. They tried to escape by swimming across the Rivers of America. The older brother drowned. Cast members have seen a ghost rippling the water.

Legend 2: The ghost prefers blondes

A teenager was killed on the People Mover ride in 1967. Legend has it that his ghost haunts Tomorrowland (the People Mover closed in 1995). The ghost reportedly grabs the hair of blonde guests.

Legend 1: Really, really scary

Construction on the Haunted Mansion began in 1963, and the story goes that one of the first test guests was so scared that she died of a heart attack inside the mansion. Her death, legend has it, led to the closing of construction until 1969.

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