The 9 People You Hate Running Into At Disney World

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1. This is taking forever!

These guests knew it was a 90-minute wait when they entered the line, but still instantly started complaining about how long the wait time is. They whine, moan and generally throw a hissy fit because the line isn't moving at the speed they would like it to. Why did they think the 90-minute sign was lying? Did they think it was an elaborate trick by Disney to fool them? Regardless of how much and how loud these guests complain, that line is still going to take 90 minutes. Who would have guessed it? Oh wait, the sign did!

2. What's that smell?

Perfume and cologne are wonderful things in moderation. However, it's not fair to assault the nostrils of other guests by dousing yourself in knock-off Chanel number 5. This smell-conscious guest may think they are being kind by masking that theme park smell that seems to cover every guest by 1PM in the summer, but unfortunately nothing could be further from the truth, and the result is even more offensive than even the most pungent body odor.

3. The interviewer

Sometimes it's nice to get to know the people in line. Light chitchat can help the line move faster. That doesn't mean that a nosy guest can ask other people in line a bunch of personal questions. Some personality types have no boundaries, and it just makes for an awkward situation. Either the innocent guest has to politely tell them they don't feel comfortable answering those type of questions, or submit to an awkward Interview they didn't know they signed up for during a trip to Walt Disney World!

4. The loudmouth

Some guests feel like they need to speak at an extreme volume. Yes, it gets loud in the queue areas, but there is no reason to scream. Everyone is two feet from one another. Do they ever think it might be hard on other people's ears? If everyone else is talking at level 30, no one needs to be at level 568. Other guests don’t need to hear about how this mother needs to pee after the ride. They would be OK without that information.

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